Welcome to the portfolio website of Glenn Korver
I'm a Game (Unity, Unreal) / Shader developer from the Netherlands
I'm a Game (Unity, Unreal) / Shader developer from the Netherlands
Into The WildLarge AR experience which takes the user into the sumatran jungle exploring flora and fuana
Published AssetsA collection of the plugins and assets I have developed and made available to others through online platforms
Summercamp IslandAR game made for Cartoon Network's show "Summercamp Island". It features three separate games where the player can interacts with the show's characters in different ways.
Puma: Run my WayThis experience allowed users to customize the puma to their preferred style and then take it with them into the running section, where the user's running speed on a threadmill controls the flow.
Github PageA coding style focussed repository, where several tiny projects and singular scripts are posted both in the Unity-C# and Unity-Shader development domain.